WeNet maps

Colour by:
Geographical areas shown: {{ bPoa ? 'Postcodes' : 'Statistical Areas Level 3' }}

{{ iColourRule==3 ? '$' : '%'}}{{ c }}

{{ oFeat.nam }}

Population{{ numberWithCommas(oFeat.total) }}
Don't speak English well or at all{{ numberWithCommas(oFeat.notGood) }}{{ percFormat(oFeat.percNotGood) }}
Didn't complete school to year 10{{ numberWithCommas(oFeat.notY10) }}{{ percFormat(oFeat.percNotY10) }}
Median personal weekly income${{ Math.round(oFeat.medInc) }}

Don't speak English well or at all, by language spoken:
{{ r[0] }}{{ numberWithCommas(r[1]) }}

Postcode {{ oFeat && oFeat.nam }}

{{ s }} {{ numberWithCommas(oFeat.nums[i]) }} {{ percFormat(oFeat.perc[i]) }}
Map is coloured according to the most common occupation type.